We can arrange interpreters and translators to assist communication between staff and customers and residents who do not speak English. The service is reliable, responsive and confidential.
Who can access the service?
If you live in the borough of Bexley or receive service in Bexley you can ask staff to provide an Interpreter who speaks your native language when you need to deal with any Council service.
Who will pay for the service?
This service is free of charge.
What will the interpreter do?
The interpreter will conduct either telephone or face-to-face interpreting (communicating in English and your spoken language). This should enable you to communicate with members of staff who speak English, but not your language. However an interpreter cannot provide advice or act on your behalf.
What about written material in other languages?
We can also arrange for the translation of Council reports and publications in your spoken language, upon request.
Which languages do we cover?
We can make arrangements to cover languages listed below, and others upon request.
- Albanian/Amharic/Arabic
- Bengali/Bulgarian
- Cantonese/Czech
- Farsi/French
- German/Gujarati
- Hindi/Hungarian
- Italian
- Konkani
- Latvian/Lingala/Lithuanian
- Mandarin
- Punjabi/Polish/Portuguese/Pushto
- Romanian/Rukiga/Russian
- Serbo-Croat/Slovak/Somali /Sorani/Spanish/Swahili
- Tamil/Thai/Tigrigna/Turkish
- Ukrainian/Urdu
- Vietnamese
- Yoruba